Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tae Bo time----- A fun time (YDF Thimphu)

An aerobic exercise which is making a difference in my life!!

 I had nearly touched 86 kg and nothing can be more alarming for me than this very fact. I had given up almost all  forms of exercise because I had lost faith in myself. This very idea of joining Tae Bo class was a boon to me ..Today, after exactly two weeks, I am feeling a "different me". Its feels so good especially after the dance, the movement of the hands, the legs and everything.

You get so motivated seeing the trainers who, even in their 40's look like they are now running in 20's. It is one class I wont mind going to even during one of my most tiring days. You go in with a fatigue mind and body but come out just the opposite. It rejuvenates you so much that you feel so younger yourself.

The shouts in the class, the motivating songs and the sing-along moments make me ooohhhh...The one-hour fitness finishes within no time... It really makes a difference. Being fit and having a perfect body has always been my wish. Every time I wanted to wear my favorite dress, I always landed up changing too many times because I looked so it. And ultimately I had to wear my favorite track pants.  But now, with this feeling and the shaping up program, I ve started wearing my old good clothes and it looks just fine on me. I had never felt so contended in life lol.

This fitness program really works and I am so glad I decided to join. The sooner...the better ! It sure is getting me back my curves and no feeling could be better than this. All thanks to my trainers Mr. Karma Lam and Ms. Ugyen Tshomo.
Cheerio !


  1. Its nice to noe dat finally you r working out to get bk ur old self which is so much better. Tell me more about this Taebo class of urs. Time??Where?? n any registration fees n other neccesary info...

  2. place : ydf, Time : 6pm-7pm (comfo for office goers) and fees :1500 (4times a week)
    come join ! its fun :)

  3. 86??????? gudness gracious me lol....seriously u gotta b on strict diet ...Thnx for the info...thinking on to join...

  4. haha i m losing dun worri lol...u sud join too..its fun :)

  5. Get this line posted on the place where you can see it any time.. "getting me back my curves.... no feeling could be better than this"
    ..i bet you, u will loss that EXTRA much sooner....hehhe

    You r doing GREAT...keep going......

  6. lost 6kgs in a month :)) no better feeling than this :))
